Privacy Policy

Hello, Spacefarer! This Privacy Policy is where we explain what information is collected when you’re using SPACEFARERGAMES.COM, the Indie Box app, the Online Store, and our video game products, how it is collected, how we use that information, where we store it, and how we protect it. We will also explain your rights in relation to the information. Like with our User Agreement, we’ve put together both a full text version and a (non legally binding) summary version to make things simple. If you have any queries you can contact us at [email protected]




We are Spacefarer Research and Development LTD (Short trading style, Spacefarer R&D or Spacefarer RAD), a company incorporated in the United Kingdom.

You can contact us here, via email at [email protected]


2.1 This Privacy Policy applies to Spacefarer Research and Development LTD

2.2 Specifically, this Privacy Policy governs personal information and non-personal information which we collect from you when you’re using services. (“Personal information” means information which, on its own or in combination with other information, can be used to identify you).

2.3 We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal information in accordance with applicable data protection legislation in the EU, the USA (including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and elsewhere.

We will comply with applicable data protection laws. This involves us being responsible for personal data which we use in connection with Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services and equally our Trusted Partners.

2.4 Spacefarer Research and Development LTD works with trusted partners, including our related company, developers and publishers, payment providers, customer service software providers and others (“Trusted Partners”) – more on them later in this Policy.

2.5 For personal information contained in this Privacy Policy which is used by Spacefarer Research and Development LTD, Spacefarer Research and Development LTD is the data controller under EU data protection legislation.


3.1 We recognise we have a special obligation to protect personal information obtained from children. We do not and will not knowingly collect personal information from any child under the age of 16. If for any reason we decide to collect personal information of children between 13 and 16 we will ask for their parent or guardian consent. If you are a parent or guardian’s and are concerned about the transfer of personal information about your child, please contact Spacefarer Research and Development LTD

We will not knowingly collect personal information about children under 16.


4.1 When you register a Spacefarer Research and Development LTD account with us, you will need to provide us: (a) your username; (b) your email address; and (c) a password (which is encrypted so that we don’t have access to it). This information is necessary for us to provide you with a Spacefarer Research and Development LTD account requested by you.

4.2 When you use Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services we may also collect the following information (how we use it is described later in this document):

We may also collect additional information when you use other Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services (see opposite).

  • (a) Technical details about devices which you use to access Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services, including: Internet and/or network connection (including your IP address); mobile device identifiers; your operating system, browser type or other software; your hardware details; or other technical details provided by your web browser. This is technical data about our users and their actions and patterns, which does not provide personal information;


5.1 We may collect, process and use information about you in the following ways (either directly or via our Trusted Partners as explained above): (a) information you give us via Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services; (b) information given when you contact us or report a problem with Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services.


We also collect information about you via cookies.


7.1. When we process information about you, we do so as necessary to provide Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services you use (i.e. to perform agreement between us, enable you to play our games or use game features), meet our legal obligations (f.ex. tax, accounting) or to fulfill the so-called “legitimate interests” of Spacefarer Research and Development LTD or other reasons described in the “How we use your data” section. To clarify, by legitimate interests we mean lawful purposes that could be reasonably expected (like informing you about games we distribute and making sure our marketing is relevant for you, protecting the security of our websites and systems, conducting anti-cheat analysis and anti-fraud checks). When we rely on the legitimate interest, we consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights. For other purposes we will ask for your consent and you will be entitled to withdraw this consent any time, with no impact on the validity of the processing before your consent has been withdrawn.

In essence, we process your data to provide you with Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services, to meet our legal obligations and for other reasons that are important for us like informing you about our games and ensuring security of our website. In other cases, we will ask for your consent in advance and you will always have the right to withdraw it anytime you like.

7.2 When we transfer your data outside of the European Economic Area, we do so on the basis of a variety of legal mechanisms, as described in “Trusted Partners”.


8.1 All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers or those of our Trusted Partners. We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

All information you provide to us is stored either on our secure servers or those of our Trusted Partners.

8.2 How long are we going to keep your data? We will retain your personal information only for as long as we will be required in order to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. In certain special cases, a longer retention period might be required by law e.g. tax, accounting purposes or other legal requirements and obligations. As soon as we will no longer require your personal data to provide our services for other purposes mentioned above, we will promptly delete or anonymize it.


9.3 Non-personal data. We might process some aggregated and general non-personal data on user behaviour (e.g. sales per region, number of store downloads) and share it with Trusted Partners who work with us to provide Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services to you (for example, with games developers/publishers selling games on Spacefarer Research and Development LTD or with payment providers) in order to support, improve or amend Spacefarer Research and Development LTD services or to help them to improve their products, which you have bought. We may also share non-personal information with data analysis services to help us run Spacefarer Research and Development LTD. Fear not, as mentioned above, everything’s anonymised, so you cannot be identified.

10.3. In general, we do not disclose information about you to third parties without your consent. We may share your data only with the following categories of third parties who were engaged by us to help deliver our services and functionalities to you (they are formally called “Data Processors”). When we provide your information to these Trusted Partners, their use and disclosure of it is subject to limitations in our agreements with them:

10.6 Your information may be processed, stored and transferred outside your country of residence and beyond the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, such as the United States, Canada or Brazil. Privacy laws in these countries may not offer the same level of protection as in your country or in the EEA. But whenever we’re sharing your personal information outside the EEA and Switzerland, we will do so on the basis of the EU standard contractual clauses and/or other lawful measures to transfer your data and establish adequate protection of your personal information


12.1 Please be aware that we are subject to various laws and we may be required to release personal information to comply with law enforcement or other legal requirements.

We might be required to comply with law enforcement requests to release personal information.

12.2 In the unlikely event of a reorganisation or merger of Spacefarer Research and Development LTD or Spacefarer Research and Development LTD accounts we may transfer personally identifiable information to an involved third party who will protect this to at least the same level as we do in this Privacy Policy.

Regardless of any reorganisations, acquisitions, etc., your personal information will be protected the same way as it is right now. Fear not!


13.1 You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain situations f.ex. for marketing purposes at any time. You can do so by contacting us at [email protected]

13.2 Depending on where you live, you may have additional privacy rights. For example, under EU laws you have the following additional rights:

  • to access information we hold about you;
  • to request that we delete your personal information from our system;
  • to ask us to rectify/correct your personal information if appropriate.
  • to ask us to restrict processing of your data
  • to transmit your data to another entity;
  • to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.


We might make changes to our Privacy Policy but whenever we do we’ll display the changes online. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the changes.

Last updated: 24.06.2024

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