
The lovable duo, Georgie and Yolkie star in this purrfect return to the collectathon platforming genre!

The Worlds of Felina have been overrun by King Rattie’s minions and have stolen all the valuable golden fishies. Now atop his giant keep, Georgie and Yolkie must work together with quirky characters along the way to unlock the vast worlds and bring peace back to the Kingdom.

With a giant open world and no less than ten other worlds full of bright colorful and weird characters, jump, swim, bounce and defy gravity as the worlds of Felina unravel around you, with a fun musical score and excellent replay value.

Key Features

  • Jump, run, spin, go upside down, glide, swim and more as you progress through the massive and detailed worlds and combat challenging quirky bosses and meet with silly characters in a humorous story, a love letter to classic platformers of the ninetees!

  • Ten worlds with different challenges and collect those shiny objects to progress through the worlds of Felina.

  • A purrfect catchy soundtrack and natural effects that bring the game to life and make it an unforgettable adventure

  • And a load more- play challenging mini-games and mix-it-up after beating the game!

GEORGIE-YOLKIE™ is a registered trademark and protected by UK and international copyright law. 

Release date

Q4 2024 (Steam, Nintendo Switch, XBOX) Q2 2025 (Nintendo Switch 2 Enhanced ), PlayStation 5,


Spacefarer R&D



File Size



“This is not just a game – it is a vibrant and dynamic story filled with humor, amazing characters and incredible landscapes that will give you hours of fun and enjoyment. I recommend.” -GamingGrandma

Copyright © 2024- 2025 Spacefarer R&D Ltd. All rights reserved.
Registered with Copyright Witness. Registration No: 284756578

Digital Rights Management

What it does

  1. -Upon every launch of the game, it checks with Steam that the game is authorised and owned by the player. If authenticated successfully, the game will launch as usual. This takes a second or two, but it’s usually instant. As soon as the game launches, the DRM exits.
  2. Notify the user if the check fails, and will not launch the game if the check fails.
  3. Provides executable level tampering protection, modification and prevents cracking the software and introducing potential security threats.

What it does NOT do

  1. Collect any player information
  2. Report back or ‘phone home’
  3. Cause any bugs or performance issues.
  4. Modify anything on your PC. -Use any kind of Anti-Cheat, device driver or kernel level space.
  5. Impose any kind of time restriction or require a constant connection to the internet to continue playing.

Our commitment to DRM free

Our ethos is if you buy our software, it’s your’s forever. Therefore we offer the option to purchase our games from, which contains no DRM features. If you prefer this, you can check GOG for our DRM free version of our games. For our console versions e.g Nintendo Switch, PS5 and XBOX, all these stores have thier own implementation of DRM checks, of which we do not control. In line with this ethos, even with the Steam DRM protected versions, a ‘soft’ check is performed only. This is to perform a basic verification with Steam that the game has been purchased and is part of your Steam library. This is pretty much standard practice with most Steam games, but our DRM adds an extra layer of security to the game that prevents cracking and stopping Steam’s owernship check from being carried out. You still own the game.

Technical Support for DRM protected titles

No DRM is fail-safe or perfect, and like any software product, it can go wrong. If it prevents you from launching the game on Steam for any reason, please send us a support ticket and we will resolve this for you.

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